But f — her, right? An open letter to Trump voters
(spoiler alert — this is not about abortion)
Dear Potential Trump Voter,
If all politics are local, the inside of your home is as local as it gets. That is why this election is very personal for my wife and me. This is the first election in my life where I actually worry about the outcome’s direct impact on my family. A Trump/MAGA win is a horrible outcome for every family — regardless of political party affiliation — who has a person with a preexisting health condition. Up to 50% of Americans — a coin flip — have preexisting health conditions. People who you know, like my wife Michelle.
But f — k her, right?
My wife’s preexisting condition is surviving cancer and living with lymphedema. She is a survivor; an all-star, rockstar, bada —. Most of you couldn’t deal with the daily struggles she so gracefully handles due to her pre-existing condition. I couldn’t. Her struggle is lessened because we have solid, affordable healthcare.
But f — k her, right?
When Trump is in office, Republicans may very well get what they have wanted for years. Obamacare, aka the Affordable Care Act, will be killed. I have no idea why the ACA is so despised. Allowing Americans to at least have a reasonable chance to pay for affordable healthcare is far, faaaar from “but communism.” It’s a solid piece of legislation that benefits millions of Americans. It’s a rare example of government not letting perfection stand in the way of progress. But soon it may be DOA. And, as a result, we either will not be able to get health insurance, or the cost will skyrocket. All because we got the wrong side of the coin and have a preexisting condition that, if it recurs, could lead to either a preventable death or bankruptcy (or both — jackpot!).
F — k cancer? Yeah, okay. Spare me your hollow t-shirt slogan. What you’re afraid to say is “f — k cancer survivors.” Like my wife.
If Trump wins, a lot of families will be f — ked. Probably yours, too. Pre-existing health conditions don’t care about politics, but apparently the right to have access to quality, affordable healthcare is a Democrat thing, so it must be destroyed. Odds are good that you’ll get a serious health condition and experience the joy of surviving, which is a point of entry for a preexisting condition. And then you’ll deal with the fact that your disease will be worse the second time around because you may not be able to get access to quality, affordable care. Possibly like Michelle.
But f — k her, right?
Being a cancer survivor is made easier by supportive friends and family, and good legislation. The Affordable Care Act is the velvet rope that keeps us out of a club that we never want to sign up for. But soon that barrier may be gone with not even the concept of a plan to replace it.
We’ll soon only have thoughts, prayers and a peach-colored ribbon. All of them are free. So are worry filled nights. If you acquire a pre-existing health condition, you’ll pick up extra bags of worry as a result of your ignorance and callousness. My wife and I don’t deserve this worry, but you can surely earn it with your vote.
But f — k her, right? Yeah, well, if you decide to vote for Donald Trump on November 5th, good luck, because you’re fu — ing yourself, too.
Michael Blash
American | Registered Independent | Former Republican
Perkasie, Pennsylvania